Carlotta Cisternas | Interior Stylist

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24. always home

Sometimes I’m afraid I’ll run out of things to write about. Maybe one day I will. But today is the kind of cold, gray November day I oddly love, the clouds pregnant with precipitation, and I feel it my duty to appreciate it, to light candles and put on Nat King Cole and think of Christmas. Right now I’m reading Fanny Singer’s book Always Home, a memoir-cum-cookbook by famed chef Alice Waters’ daughter (and whose Berkeley home kitchen is the absolute dream; it even has a fireplace!). Anyway, on this blue-tinged day tucking into the book by candlelight feels apropos—it’s a cozy, delightful read and makes me want to be a more thoughtful home cook. It’s nice to dream about alternative lives, or at least scheme ways to absorb into your own life aspects from others. 

(Nov. 9)