Carlotta Cisternas | Interior Stylist

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MeMe had her first sleepover last night...she was SO excited.
Of course, when Lilly heard the news, she got so upset because she wanted to come too. She couldn't understand why MeMe got to go and she didn't. When MeMe was packing, Lilly was just sitting on the floor, crying.
I felt sorry for her and asked her if she wanted to have a sleepover in my room. I wish I could have captured the look on her face right got about 10 shades brighter. :)
She grabbed the first backpack she could find and started stuffing clothes into it.
I wanted Lilly to have some fun, so I put some candy out, set up Blue's Clues on my laptop, and put sheets on my sofa bed.
20 or so minutes later, after packing every imaginable thing, she was ready. She knocked on my door and when I opened it, she acted like she hadn't see me in years. When she saw that I had put out candy, made up the bed for her, and set up Blue's Clues, she almost went ballistic (in a good way) was kind of funny! :)
We hung out, watched a couple tv shows on my computer (all of which she picked out), and read a book or two.
She fell asleep pretty well, but was in and out of bed a lot to get drinks of water. Of course every time she woke up I woke up too...She normally isn't like that but I think she was just excited about the 'sleepover'. :)
She asked me several times this morning if the sleepover was over (she wanted it to last longer) and when I said yes she responded with, "But whenever YOU have friends ova they stay longa!" Ah the life of living with an almost four year old.
PS MeMe had a lot of fun at her sleepover...I'm glad that the first night by herself away from home went well!