Carlotta Cisternas | Interior Stylist

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girl scout cookies

One of my favorite times of year is when Girl Scout cookies are being sold. Mmm...

My personal favorite are Samoas (In some parts I think they're now called Caramel Delights)...all that chocolate, caramel, coconut goodness in neat little cookies (Cookies that are hard to stop at one! I said that and my mom looked alarmed when I took five cookies - but they were only for the photograph above :)). 
I'm ordering some more boxes from the extras so I can savor the cookies a little longer. It makes me sad that they don't have them in stores...but maybe it's for the better, as my wallet stays happier and my health stays better! :)

What is your favorite Girl Scout cookie?


PS I feel guilty now, as I just remembered the no-sugar-for-a-week challenge that Ashley is doing...