Carlotta Cisternas | Interior Stylist

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Ever I since a got a purple shirt recently, I think purple has become my new favorite color. Last night at 10pm I decided to go around my room and take pictures of all the purple things I could find (Really. I have problems. Who goes around and takes pictures of purple things at 10pm?!). I was surprised at how many things I had, considering that color hadn't really been on my "radar screen" before...

A purple pillow (cowhide rugs are really good for taking pictures)

Purple walls in a PBTeen magazine (like I said before, cowhide rugs are really good for taking pictures)

Purple yarn 

A purple lampshade

Purple shoes (the photographer in me is rejoicing that I managed to create depth of field (somewhat)...)

And the purple shirt that inspired this whole thing :)

Is there a color that you have been slightly obsessed with lately?
