Carlotta Cisternas | Interior Stylist

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tids and tads part two

My piano competition went really, really, really was better than what I could have even dreamed of. Thank you for your prayers!

We're supposed to get 5-6 inches of snow today and tomorrow. This morning the biggest, fluffiest, lightest snow flakes I have ever seen were falling. It was beautiful, though hard to capture on camera.

I love watching it snow. It mesmerizes me, especially when I'm staring straight up, watching the snowflakes come down. Can you image the number of snowflakes it takes to make 1 inch of snow, let alone 3 feet? And no two snowflakes are alike. It almost overwhelms me when I think about how amazing God is.

When the Super Bowl rolled around yesterday, I didn't really care one way or the other. I didn't even know who was playing until about 3 hours earlier. My friend was rooting for the Saints, so I rooted for them as well. We had to leave after the 1st quarter of the game, but in the last three quarters I was manically checking to see who was winning. I guess I cared more about the Super Bowl than I thought I would?

There were at least 30 birds in a tree in our backyard this morning. This is only a small part of the was crazy.

The color coat in our upstairs bathroom is up - I love it! We went with a grey that had a blue undertone, so it matches the original blue tile.

I realize that this post covers almost exactly what my last post did...I apologize. I need better blogging material! :)
