Carlotta Cisternas | Interior Stylist

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happiness is...

Did something that made you incredibly happy this week? Is there something that you're elated about? Share it here at Happiness Is!

The rules are simple. Write a post with two things that made you happy this week (please link back to me!) and link up! 

Happiness is...

...that I'm DONE with Latin for the summer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Today was my last class. Ahhhhh :) I'm officially done with all my school for the summer! You don't know how amazing it feels. Goodbye, Mr. Wheelock. I hope the time the time I spend away from you will go by won't be missed. ;)

... bokeh. I'm  extremely, completely, totally mildly obsessed with it. I love the way it looks, blurs out unneeded things in the background, and makes the eye focus immediately on the subject.

What has made you happy this week? Link up and tell me about it...but most of all, have fun!

Oh, and I decreased the width of my blog. I hope those who were having to scroll to the side no longer have to do that!
