Carlotta Cisternas | Interior Stylist

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After a lengthly break, Raw(e) is back! I'm so happy...I seriously love this blog hop.

This week's theme is pets/animals. My photo is of our 9 month old Labrador, Sarge.

I actually was going to use a photo I'd taken of our neighbor's cat, but I didn't know if they wanted me to use it on my blog :)

Sarge is the sweetest dog. He is so tolerant and amazing with kids. We love him to death :)

Do you have a dog?

If you're new to Raw(e) and want to know more about it, head on over here to the first "edition". If you want to enter in your own pet photo, click here to link up. But remember, NO EDITING whatsoever to your entry!


PS It has been brought to my attention that my blog is too wide for some monitors. Do you have to scroll to the side to see everything? Please let me know ;)