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nashville part one

I don't even have the words to describe how amazing this past week as been. Worshiping with 1,104 people, eye opening classes, and spending time with wonderful people was...incredible. Absolutely incredible. And don't get me started about Nashville. It's probably one of my favorite cities ever. It was my first time there and I was just blown away.

They say pictures say a thousand words, and since I don't have to words to describe this week...sit back and enjoy some photos :)

On the way to Nashville, we stopped in Memphis. I loved this elevated train track...

On Wednesday night, the Wild Horse Saloon in downtown Nashville was reserved just for the people at the conference - it was closed to the public. It was amazing. They had line dancing lessons and a live was a wonderful night.

My dad taught three classes at the conference - two of them were packed, 150+ people with standing room only. And he got a standing was pretty impressive.

My dorm!

The Parthenon...they have a full scale replica. The day we went there was a wedding going on, but we were able to get off the bus and snap a few pictures.

Looking at these pictures makes me want to go back to Nashville. I love it there.

And yes, this is part one. I have way too many pictures to post them all at once! Be on the look out for part two:)
