if you give a little girl some safety glasses...
(Raw(e) farther down)
Alternately titled: I take awful photos too.
Alternately titled: I take awful photos too.
...she'll probably find some scissors.

Nearby the scissors, she'll probably also discover the comics, which no one except for her has read.

With these tools in front of her, she's probably going to somehow make them work together. She'll slip on her safety goggles to "protect her from flying paper", grab the scissors and newspaper...

...and the end result will probably look something like this, with paper scattered about the table and floor.

She'll probably act quite proud of herself when she sees her big brother run upstairs to tell the big sister to get her camera. Despite the gravity of the situation (no, seriously, morning comics are an important element of our household ;)), she'll probably feel even better about her work of art when she discovers that everyone is cracking up. It will seem that her family's futile efforts to hold back the laughter bubbling up in their throats was unsuccessful.
Lilly has struck again - this time before 8am.
And while I'm on the topic of Lilly, she was in the library (the one in our house) today with Jeremiah, chanting, "Praise God! He forgives! Otherwise you'd be fired from heaven!"
Where does the child GET this stuff?
Do you have any funny stories about your siblings/children? Do share! I'd love a laugh or two :)
EDIT: I'm throwing my yellow Raw(e) shot in here...because I'm too lazy to write a separate post. Heh.

Oh, I wanted to edit this SO badly. But I was a good girl and didn't touch it. ;)