Carlotta Cisternas | Interior Stylist

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I haven't participated in Raw(e) in awhile...I know, bad me. In all honesty though, I was trying to cut back on the blog hops a bit, so I took a break. When I saw the theme for this week, vintage, I knew I had to give it a shot.

Normally when you're going for a vintage look, you edit the photo until it looks like it came from a long time ago.  But that option is out of the question with Raw(e), as no editing whatsoever is allowed. 

I searched and searched for a photo opportunity; something that looked "vintage". Because I couldn't edit a photo to look more old fashioned, it was quite a challenge (a good one, though :)).

A few days ago, I sat down at my desk. For some reason, I'd decided to move a free standing mirror (that looks rather old fashioned) to the desktop so I could do my makeup that morning. When I sat down, the mirror reflected a poster I have on the wall opposite my desk. A poster that looks very vintage. Suddenly it hit me. I grabbed my camera, careful not to leave the position I was in so I wouldn't mess up the angle. 

Here's what I got.

What do you think? I wish I could have gotten the bottom part of the poster out of the "frame", but then I would have had the top part. Ah well.

Want to see more vintage Raw(e) photos? Head on over to Sailor and Company and enter your own photo if you'd like. Just make sure it's SOOC*!

On a side note - If you haven't already done so, please enter in my giveaway! It's open until Sunday night, so there's still time :)


*straight out of camera