facts about germany, giveaway winners, & raw(e)
(Giveaway winners announced below, as well as my Raw(e) entry!)

Fact about Germany #1:
Everything is very old. Nearly all the buildings in the photo above are at least 300 years old. In Germany, if a building is 300 years old, it's relatively new ;) Do you see the church steeple in the background? That's my grandparent's church (it's beautiful inside!). And it was built in the 1400s. Man, I wish we had buildings that old in the states.
Fact about Germany #2:
Contrary to popular belief, German men in the 21st century don't wear lederhosen and German women in the 21st century don't wear dirndls. Well, they might for Oktoberfests, but not for everyday wear.

Fact about Germany #3:
Germans don't drink regular water like we're used to in America. They only drink sparkling (mineral) water. If you ask for water without the bubbles, they look at you like you have two heads.
Fact about Germany #4:
Germany is very, very clean. Every time we come here, I marvel over how tidy and neat everything is...and wish America could be that way. To keep the litter, and to help the citizens recycle more, there is a relatively high deposit on glass (bottles contain beer, wine, etc) and plastic bottles. They have machines that you feed your bottles into; the machine counts how much you returned and gives you money accordingly. It's very effective.

Fact about Germany #5:
Again, contrary to popular belief, "Edelweiss" isn't a traditional German folk song. It was merely written for The Sound of Music. :)
How do you like that dude floating in the river above? Apparently it's art, but when I walked across the bridge and saw it, I nearly busted a gut laughing. Heeheehee. Hohoho. Ha.
Do you have any questions about Germany? Ask away, I'll answer them in another post similar to this one.
And now for the giveaway winners!
The winner of the headband is...
The winner of the earrings is...
(I wasn't sure which of your blogs to link to, so I just linked to your profile)
Congrats ladies! Please
email me and we'll get you set up :)
I want to thank everyone that entered the giveaway - I wish I could give each of you a prize :) To my new readers, I sincerely hope you'll stick around!
I want to thank everyone that entered the giveaway - I wish I could give each of you a prize :) To my new readers, I sincerely hope you'll stick around!
And I'm going to throw my
Raw(e) entry into this post. I'm too lazy to write another post...

Oreos may not be the healthiest snack, but gosh, are they good! :)