Carlotta Cisternas | Interior Stylist

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happiness is...

I just realized something. The next Happiness Is will be hosted from Germany! Dude. (Don't ask me why I said dude...It just felt right. Ha.) This is insane. Really. I can't believe it.

Today is also the first day of September! Um, excuse me summer, but where did you go? It seemed like school just let out for the year, and here we are, already going back.
Don't get me wrong, I love September - especially this year, since it brings going to Germany, plus Jeremiah's, MeMe's, and my birthdays - but I wouldn't have minded holding onto summer a bit longer.

Moving right along.

Playing along is simple. Just write a post with two things that made you happy this week, grab the button (or add a link to me, either way is fine), and come back here to link up! It doesn't get much easier than that.

Also, many of you asked for me to have the linky open longer. And since I aim to please, I'll have it open for another day. So it'll open sometime on Wednesday mornings and close at 11:59pm (CST) on Thursday. Sound fair? Maybe we can get more link ups this way :)

Happiness Is...

Happiness is...

...enjoying the little things in life. Sometimes we get so caught up in other, bigger things that we don't appreciate the small gifts God has left all around us. Recently I've been trying to slow down and savor these precious gifts.

...shooting in manual mode on my camera. Now that I've known how to do it for a few weeks, I've gotten so much more comfortable. I'm seriously loving how I can control the lighting a bit more and just make my photographs overall better. I can't believe I didn't make the jump before.

What has made you happy this week? Link up and let me know (or, if you'd prefer, let me know in the comment section of this post)!
