a lovely day trip
A few days ago, we went on a little day trip to a fairly large city about fifteen minutes from my grandparent's town.
The city is so beautiful. It's so rich in history and laden with shops, museums, and restaurants of every kind.
It's also the so called capital of bicycling in Germany...they even have a underground parking garage for all the bikes!
Do you remember when some of you tried to guess what
this is? (scroll down to the middle)
It's a miniature street car in a toy store! Super cute. We had to practically drag MeMe and Lilly out of there.
Next up was a beautiful cathedral.
It was stunning. It's mind boggling how people could build such magnificent buildings without the aid of modern tools. It really takes your breath away.
Have a wonderful Saturday! What do you plan to do? I'm off to a day of shopping :)