Carlotta Cisternas | Interior Stylist

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miscellaneous ramblings

1. here comes the sun. Everyday since we've been in Germany it's been rainy, cold, and just, well, gross. So no wonder we were all overjoyed when the sun decided to peek through the clouds at sunset yesterday. Stunning.

(Linking my sunset photo to Skywatch Friday)

2. i love skype. It's amazing - and it makes it so easy to stay in touch with friends. Love it, love it, love it.

3. my new necklace. I went shopping yesterday and got a necklace (pictured was so hard to capture it! It looks prettier in real life.). I love it. What do you think?
It'd been awhile since I'd purchased an accessory...usually I just focus on clothing. I think I need to get some more jewelry, though...slipping on a necklace doesn't seem like much, but it does wonders to an outfit. What are some of your fashion tips?

4. online classes. Although they technically started on Tuesday, I wasn't able to attend as I was traveling. Thus, yesterday was my first day of classes. I don't care for science, but biology is going to be a riot (Yesterday we talked about microorganisms and "recipes for mice"...ohh yeah.). I have so many amazing people in that class. Geometry...well, I don't quite have an opinion yet. I'll have to see. Math is not my strong point.

5. the time change. Back home, it's 4:54 am. Here's it's 11:54am. You gotta love it.

6. eggs. I've been kind of obsessed with taking pictures of them lately. I love their simplicity. The above eggs are from my aunt's chickens...I adore the green carton. 

7. my giveaway. Have you checked it out yet? If not, you should! You still have until Monday to enter.

Happy Friday! I'm off to go celebrate my grandparent's 50th anniversary :)
