on packing and blue vintage suitcases
Our trip to Germany is getting very, very real. We're actually flying out of Houston, so we're driving down there Sunday after church and flying out Monday afternoon. That leaves ONE full day left at home. One!
(Linking up the above photo to
Macro Friday)
Sometimes I get so excited I practically wet my britches (Who even wears "britches"?! Not me. It just sounded right, though. Ha.). Okay, not really. I instead resort to running around in small circles like a crazed chicken. Or a small dog anticipating a treat. But probably more like a crazed chicken.
I honestly love packing. I don't like
unpacking, but I really do love the latter. There's something about the anticipation of the coming trip and placing neatly folded stacks of clothing in a suitcase that I adore.
I wanted to start packing much earlier, but because we're going for a month, I'm going to have to take a fairly good portion of my clothing. When the time finally came that I could do laundry and pack, I was very excited.
I adore my suitcase - a vintage light blue hard cased Samsonite silhouette, circa 1960s-70s. (I'm unable to find a link to it, but believe me, I tried!). Sure, it's a bit heavier than most modern day suitcases, but I love it anyway. And it's great for picture taking. ;)
Unfortunately, there's a forty five pound weight limit on luggage allowed per passenger. I'm trying to stay around thirty five pounds, since I know I'm going to buy things in Germany, but gosh, it's hard!
Meet my new best friend, who also happens to be vintage...
What do you love about traveling?
PS Thank you for all your input regarding my question whether my photos showed up or not yesterday!