Carlotta Cisternas | Interior Stylist

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once upon a time

Once upon a time there was a little girl who decided she wanted to have her picture taken in the mirror of I tractor. I obliged. And now? I'm entering it in Raw(e). (Yes, I know I said that yesterday, but I've decided I'm going to do it now instead)

Once upon a time there was a girl who was a little too obsessed with finding objects to photograph that had a ton of texture. See?

I'm in love. I want to frame them. Ha.

Once upon a time there was the best ice cream dish in the world. A strawberry chocolate bowl (translated on the spot from German into English...therefore, it isn't the most poetic name), which consisted of chocolate ice cream, fresh strawberries, whipped cream, and chocolate syrup. 

It was quickly eaten. ;)

Once upon a time I was informed that some cannot see my photos. Gah. Not again! I uploaded these using Blogger, but I don't have much more space left. How many of you cannot see photos that I uploaded using Flickr? (you can use my previous post as a test) Thank you!

What have you done once upon a time?
