Carlotta Cisternas | Interior Stylist

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today... kind of a special day.


Because exactly fourteen years ago today, a little girl was born.

This baby weighed seven pounds and eight ounces and was born kicking and screaming somewhere around 6:30am (no one really remembers the exact time...ha.).

This baby was (and is) the daughter of these people...



(Gosh, aren't they so stinking cute?!)

This baby was named Carlotta Cisternas. (I'm not giving our last name for personal reasons ;))

And this baby...was me!

Yep, today is my fourteenth birthday.

That sounds so young, doesn't it? I don't feel fourteen. Sometimes I feel like a giggly five year old who can't wait to grow up. Sometimes I feel like I've lived a long time, an old person who wishes they could go back to their childhood.

Isn't that the way with everything? You're never really happy where you are in life. When you're young, you can't wait to grow up When you're in elementary school, you can't wait to be like the "big kids" in middle school. Same goes for middle school. You can't wait to get into high school. And in high school? You can't wait to get into college. But when you're wish you could go back to being younger, back to the time you couldn't wait to grow up. So it goes, around and around.

I know I still have so much more to learn. Most of my life still stretches before me. Challenges, sadness, joy, happiness. I hope that someday down the road, I'll have a husband and  family of my own. I hope that I'll have a job I love, whether it be as a mother or as something else. I hope that, someday, I will be able to pursue my dream of being a photographer.

But I know, that even if things don't go according to my plan, it's going to go according to God's plan. Everything that happens in my life will happen for a reason.

Sorry, this was a little somber and deep for a birthday post...I didn't mean for it to get so long ;)

Have a wonderful day!


PS My dad is leaving to go back to the States today (he needs to go back to work)...would you mind saying a prayer that he arrives back home safely? Thank you!