Carlotta Cisternas | Interior Stylist

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miscellaneous ramblings (and the giveaway winner!)

1.  i made a new header. You like? It's basically the same header...I just swapped out four of the five photos to make it a little more "fallish". I really like how versatile these types of headers are. I can keep the same design but change up the look of my blog a little bit by switching the photos every once in awhile.

2. i won't keep you in suspense. If you entered the Organic Bloom giveaway, you probably just want to know who's the winner, right? Well, I won't keep you in suspense any longer. The winner of the giveaway is...Polka Dot! Congrats, Polka Dot! Shoot me an email and we'll get you all set up :)

3. hot chocolate. I've really been loving it lately. There's nothing better than a warm mug of steaming hot chocolate on my favorite blue polka dotted coffee cup set. Actually, it's my mom's blue polka dotted coffee cup set. I went so far as to say that when she died, I wanted that set. Is that bad? I mean, I don't want her to be dead. I just really like it.

I digress. On to the photos.

hot chocolate
hot chocolate3
hot chocolate2

See? Don't you understand why I envy it now? ;)

4. could life be a little less crazy, please? Man, this last past week has been an absolute whirlwind. Full of the unexpected. Many, many ups and downs. I wish life had a pause button. In the midst of all this, I really need some time to just think and pray. Some time to get away from it all. Sigh.

5. photo challenge & project 365. My photo challenge is still open if you want to enter! You have until Sunday. I've looked at every single one of the photos submitted so far, but haven't gotten around to commenting on all of them. So, if you entered, and I haven't said anything, don't worry. I will try my best to get around to it!
And Project 365. Well, many of you know about the blog that I reserve specifically for posting a photo everyday. I'm closing it. I have all the photos, but I'm two and a half months behind. It's just too much work to catch up. But I'll still be posting recent photos on here everyday! :)


5.  oh dear.  I'm becoming rather obsessed with knitting. Knitting?! Yes. It's true. Feel free to slap an old lady sticker on me and get the heck of here. Or, you know, not. I sincerely hope I'm not skipping most of my life and turning into an old lady...please tell me I'm not the only one suffering from EKS*.
But there's something so soothing about knitting, especially with everything that's been going on lately. It's so nice to know that when you hold the needles in your hands and wrap the yarn around them, the yarn will grow. Soon you'll have a long piece of wool (or cotton, or whatever material you use). I love being able to do something that's so predictable in this unpredictable thing we call life.

*Extreme knitting syndrome. It's real, you know. Okay, fine, it's not.

6. six hundred and one. Blog posts, that is. That kind of scares me, actually. I've filled the internet with six hundred and one crazy posts?! Wow. I hope you forgive me ;)


7.  i love anthropologie The first store in the state opened in a shopping center literally a ten minute walk from our house. It was love at first sight. I've seen their items on the website, but that's nothing like seeing it in real life. And the decoration of the store! J'adore. Now if only I could do something about the prices... ;)

8. real quick.  I need to tell you something. It's a secret that comes from the deepest, darkest parts of my heart.

I love chocolate.

Okay, sorry to disappoint  you. I just thought I'd let you know - again! ;)


PS This post was a bit longer than I meant it to be. Sorry. I just had a lot to say. And now I'm making it even longer. Have a great day!