Carlotta Cisternas | Interior Stylist

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perfect for picnics

I'm totally obsessed with the weather we're having right now. Beautiful, brilliantly blue skies, seventy degrees, soft breezes, bright sun...I could really get used to this. I've been like a solar powered lamp, soaking up the warm fall sun before winter's bitter cold sets in.

This wonderful weather is perfect for picnics...something that we've been doing quite frequently in our backyard. I love it.

bowtie pasta

Bowtie pasta...

picnic3 open faced cream cheese and jam sandwiches...


...chocolate cookies...


...water from a "fancy" bottle...


...picnic blankets...


...and don't forget the umbrella "just in case it rains". Never mind there wasn't a cloud in the sky. What can I say - Lilly likes to be prepared.

How is the weather where you live? Do you eat outside when it's nice?
