Carlotta Cisternas | Interior Stylist

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fall is finally here

Fall is finally here in our neck of the woods.

It's going to frost for the first time tonight. Yes, it's normal to have first frosts in November...but that's what you get for living in the south ;)

I can no longer where just a tank top outside. Instead, I have to throw a cardigan over it. I'm relying on my UGGS to keep my feet toasty. That is, the UGGS that are slightly beaten up, as I forgot them outside and Sarge chewed part of the inner sheepskin lining off. Sad face.

red leaves

The leaves are turning bright colors and swirl in the chilly air every time the wind blows.

The stores already have their Christmas merchandise out on the shelves; after all, the big day is only forty eight days away. Yes, I'm already counting down. Is that bad?

barren branches

Branches void of leaves are starting to appear...soon there won't be any bright, colorful jewels on the trees.

a handful of leaves

They'll be on the ground instead and in the hands of children, throwing them in the air, twirling with delight as the dry, papery leaves float softly onto their heads.

a s'more

Fires are being made in backyards, complete with s'more making. And people huddle around the source of warmth, their chilled fingers and toes eager to soak up the heat.

Yes, fall is finally here. And I'm loving it. Aren't you?
