Carlotta Cisternas | Interior Stylist

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scavenger hunt sunday

Today I'm joining Scavenger Hunt Sunday fun :) Don't hesitate to play along as well!

i like hats.

1. Self portrait. I've shared this photo once before, but it's the only photo of myself that I took recently and that I I the only one who is super picky about self portraits? Sigh.

handmade bracelet

2. Handmade. This beaded bracelet was handmade in Kenya. I love it. And the fact that all the proceeds from this piece of jewelry went right back to the Kenyan ladies that made it makes me love it even more.

orange fall leaves

3. Orange. I know, I know, I've probably shared one too many fall leaf shots. I can't help myself!


4. Candle. This could have actually qualified for orange as well ;)

stop sign

5. Traffic signal or sign. Man, I'm loving Lightroom so much. It gave this photo a bit more interest. When this free trial is up, I'm definitely buying it. Definitely. 

Happy Sunday!
