Carlotta Cisternas | Interior Stylist

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cinnamon roll3
cinnamon roll
cinnamon roll2

Homemade cinnamon rolls...

double chocolate chip frappuccino2
double chocolate chip frappuccino

...Double Chocolate Chip Starbucks frappucino...


...Honey Crunch & Oats cereal...

chocolate pie

...and homemade chocolate pie.

I'd say that's pretty sweet.

And you know what else is sweet? This video.

We die. Well, maybe not all  of us. But I certainly did. And then came back to life.


One more sweet thing. I'd never thought this would happen but...I'm tweeting. Oh dear. God help me. If you have a Twitter account, feel free to follow me!

What do you find sweet?


PS My photo challenge ends tonight! Don't forget to enter! :)