Carlotta Cisternas | Interior Stylist

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confessions part two.

Last time I wrote a confession post, it felt so good to get it all out there, so I'm doing it again. :)

Confession: I love changing up the look of my blog a bit from time to time. If you haven't already noticed, I have a new header and a new button. I love how the title of my blog is now in grey instead of black - it makes it a bit more subtle and I adore the combination of grey and pink. My new button is of my favorite tea/coffee/hot chocolate mug (feel free to grab it!). Ha. I couldn't resist :)

Anyway. What do you think of the mini makeover?

Confession: I had over seven hundred photos on my camera's memory card. After a ruthless deleting rampage, I now have a mere sixty one.

Confession: I can't believe I have six hundred followers. Six hundred? It's crazy. If you've been reading my blog for awhile, you know this is where I go off on a long spiel about how much I love my readers. But it's true. I do love y'all. :)

Confession: I'm really falling hard for fashion. I love putting together outfits in my head, flipping through racks of clothing, reading page after glossy fashion magazine page, gathering inspiration scouring fashion blogs, finding adorable things at thrift stores. (Yes, I'm aware of how much I used the word "fashion" in that sentence. Sorry. And no, thrift store clothes aren't always dirty and threadbare. I've found so many adorable, often name brand, pieces there.)
So you can imagine my joy when I found these beauties yesterday while thrift store shopping...


...and the best part? They were only $3.99. Even though they're a tad too big, I snatched them right up. They're the perfect mix of vintage and modern, which is totally my type. And they look absolutely precious with skinny jeans.

Confession: That previous confession was much longer than I intended it to be.

Confession: Speaking of fashion, I confess I'm thinking about writing a novel. Writing a novel is something I've always wanted to do, but I could never find a topic I'd want to write a whole book about. While getting ready for bed, though, a few weeks ago, an idea hit me. I immediately began scribbling furiously, trying to get my ideas down on paper before I forgot them. I'm not going to share the storyline quite yet because 1) I don't want my idea to be stolen and 2) it's still extremely rough and subject to change. But I will share that it has to do with fashion. :)

What do you think? Can I do it?

Confession: As I'm writing this, our black Lab, Sarge, is in my room, chasing his tail. He's not really that dumb, is it? ;)

Confession: I'm rather behind in some homework. And I'm ahead in other homework. Sigh.

Confession: This post has morphed into more of a "Miscellaneous Ramblings" than a confession post. Oops.

Confession: I currently have three dishes that I ate/drank from in my room. Two of them are from two days ago.

Do you have any confessions?
