meme fix
I was able to break a bit out of my photography rut yesterday when I shot some photos of MeMe. It always helps when you have a beautiful model!
It's been quite some time since I've posted any shots of her so here's your MeMe fix. :)
I'm still experimenting with's definitely something that needs lots of practice!
She was reading Little House on the Praire (The first book) and had her legs perfectly crossed. I couldn't resist snapping a shot of them.
MeMe never fails to crack me up. She came up to me a few days ago and said, "I've figured something out. Pretty much all country songs are about beer, girlfriends, and trucks." In that order. And not that she would know anything about beer...ahem.
What do you think? I could have spent hours and hours editing them, but unfortunately I didn't get the chance. Instead, I just did some basic editing...but if you don't mind, just look past that ;) And as always, I'd love to hear any tips you have!
This is totally unrelated, but it wouldn't really be a real post without something random thrown in. Heh. I was just checking the weather, and it's supposed to be sixty one degrees today! What happened to our winter weather? Hmph.
(PS If you haven't already, feel free to enter in my photo challenge!)
It's been quite some time since I've posted any shots of her so here's your MeMe fix. :)

I'm still experimenting with's definitely something that needs lots of practice!

She was reading Little House on the Praire (The first book) and had her legs perfectly crossed. I couldn't resist snapping a shot of them.

MeMe never fails to crack me up. She came up to me a few days ago and said, "I've figured something out. Pretty much all country songs are about beer, girlfriends, and trucks." In that order. And not that she would know anything about beer...ahem.

What do you think? I could have spent hours and hours editing them, but unfortunately I didn't get the chance. Instead, I just did some basic editing...but if you don't mind, just look past that ;) And as always, I'd love to hear any tips you have!
This is totally unrelated, but it wouldn't really be a real post without something random thrown in. Heh. I was just checking the weather, and it's supposed to be sixty one degrees today! What happened to our winter weather? Hmph.
(PS If you haven't already, feel free to enter in my photo challenge!)