Carlotta Cisternas | Interior Stylist

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confessions part three.

confession: I'm in denial that it's 2011. In serious denial. How can that be possible?

confession: Remember my  winter break list? I only got about half of it done. Eek. But at least I got  part of it done, right? It's better than nothing.

confession: I'm considering starting up project 365 again. My last time trying it was a bit of a flop...I took a picture everyday, but after August, I procrastinated when it came to posting the shots on my project 365 blog. So far, I've taken a picture everyday this year. I'm thinking about starting a set on Flickr specifically for all my photos...or maybe I'll just keep them in a folder on my computer and occasionally share some of my favorite shots on here. I don't know. What do you think?

confession: I really didn't want to go back to school. At all. January and February are my least favorite months, as it's the coldest time of the year, they're filled with tests, and there's no break in sight. Christmas break, I miss you.

confession: While I think they're rather ugly and make my feet look bigger than they really are, I pretty much live in my Uggs.

confession: There are way too many projects that I've started but not finished. I need to work on that.

confession: I have a biology presentation due tomorrow and I only have a rough draft done. Guess what I'll be doing today?

confession: I don't know what I would do without my camera. Or my laptop, for that matter. Actually, I know what I'd do. I'd be in serious trouble.

confession:  I adore lowercase letters. Really, really adore them. I've allowed myself to write post titles, blog name, sidebar titles, and a few other things in lowercase, but I'm not letting myself write entire posts without proper capitalization. You have to draw the line somewhere, right?

confession: I am so out of shape. On Sunday we had some friends over and we were playing capture the flag in the backyard for an hour and a half or two. Two days later, I'm still sore. Yikes. Yet another goal for 2011: exercise everyday. Even if the weather is awful, I can still do sit-ups and push-ups.

confession: I'm rather frightened of the future. I'm scared of growing up. Going to college. Completing all the tests that come with the graduation of high school. I've been listening to  Never Grow Up (that was the best link I could find - sorry about the slightly off pitch) by Taylor Swift pretty much nonstop lately...even though I know I'm still young, I can totally relate.

the globe

Do you have anything you'd like to confess? It's so, so freeing. Really.


PS If you haven't already done so, feel free to enter my giveaway! It ends Wednesday night.