miscellaneous ramblings (and photo challenge finalists and winner!)
she cracks me up.
MeMe is hilarious. She's constantly making us laugh with her quirky sense of humor. Just the other day, I was bathing Lilly and MeMe, and out of the blue, MeMe says, “If I lived in south Asia and didn't have a dog, I would
want a dog.” Where do these things come from? ;)
photo challenge finalists and winner.
Oh boy. This is way, way overdue. I've been a bad blogger. I apologize! I had something super fun planned to announce this, but unfortunately, it didn't quite work out. Oops.
The finalists are Nicole, Sarah, Captivus, and Jaymi!
The winner?

Sarah! Congratulations, Sarah - you earned it. This photo is priceless...the look on the little girl's face is so adorable I could cry. Wait. That didn't make any sense. Never mind.
i love this weather.
These past few days the weather has been absolutely perfect. Highs in the seventies (a welcome change after all the below freezing weather before!), brilliantly blue skies, a shining sun – it's the best. And it doesn't help my spring fever at all – I keep on wishing that this wasn't just a warm spell and that spring was really here to stay. But, alas, it's January and winter will be back in full force soon. Sigh.
I've recently discovered
Polyvore (I know...a little late) and I'm in love. I adore being able to create outfits with pieces from a myriad of stores all in one place. My current favorite fashions are light skirts (no longer than knee length), belts (mainly waist), pretty sandals, light pink nail polish, and aviator shades. I think I've encompassed these loves pretty well above, in my latest – and so far only – creation...I'm loving the skirt. And the clutch. And the sandals. And everything else. ;)
What are some of your favorite clothing pieces of the moment?
new shades.
What are some of your favorite clothing pieces of the moment?
new shades.
I said I was loving aviator shades...here's proof. Yes, I finally bought a pair. And I don't care if I look ridiculous wearing them - I like them and that's enough. Right? Right. ;)
photography tip.
Experiment in the manual modes of your camera! When I first got my DSLR, I made a promise to myself not to get stuck in automatic modes and jumped straight to manual. That was one of the best decisions I ever made. I can't tell you how many people I've come across that lament they wished they knew how to get out of the auto mode on their DSLR. So, my friends, I highly encourage you to take the leap if you haven't already!
do you like my new header?
I know, I know, I can't keep things the same for more than a month. I switched out some of the pictures in my header...I do so like little changes like this. What do you think?
etsy love.
(left to right, top to bottom, starting at top left)

etsy love.
(left to right, top to bottom, starting at top left)
augustyn slouchy knit hat
2. berry good raspberries
3. ophelia portrait illustration
4. pink clutch
5. diana camera moleskin pocket notebook
6. eyeglass case
2. berry good raspberries
3. ophelia portrait illustration
4. pink clutch
5. diana camera moleskin pocket notebook
6. eyeglass case
in love with reading.
I'm a reader. When I was younger, I would always be the one with my nose stuck in a book. In fact, when I was in kindergarten and it was play time in our classroom, I would sit by myself reading. My teacher talked to my parents about it because she [the teacher] was worried I wasn't “getting enough interaction”. Heh.
When I discovered blogging, reading took a bit of a back seat, but lately I've picked up this hobby again. There's nothing I love better than curling up with an enthralling book and reading the hours away.
a reader? Also, do you have any good book recommendations? I would greatly appreciate it :)
Have a lovely weekend! I'm off to enjoy the beautiful weather...
Have a lovely weekend! I'm off to enjoy the beautiful weather...