Carlotta Cisternas | Interior Stylist

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because i heart you. {a giveaway}

This giveaway is now closed. Stay tuned for the winner!

(I know, I know, cheesy title. But I can't help it with all the love that's filling the air ;))

Have y'all ever heard of Barberry and Lace? If not, you need to check it out as soon as possible. So adorable! Here are some of my favorites...

(clockwise, starting at top left: the alice pocket watch, the turquoise gracie earringsthe photographer's dream necklace, and the rosy necklace)


So today, because it's a beautiful Saturday morning, because it's supposed to get up to seventy four degrees next week, because Valentine's Day is on Monday, and because I love you, I'm giving away any one item from Barberry and Lace up to a twenty five dollar value, generously donated by the fabulous Leigh.

Here's how you enter to win...

mandatory entry
(You must complete this step or your entry will be deleted)

Leave a comment answering the following question: "What's your favorite season?" Mine is definitely late spring/early summer.

really want to win?
Here's what you can do for extra entries... and please, please, please leave one comment per entry instead of lumping them all in one comment. It makes my life much easier! :)

- follow me on Google Friend Connect over there on the left in the sidebar (it counts if you already follow)
- blog about this giveaway, leaving the link in the comment section
- follow me on twitter (@pastorsgirl)
- tweet - make sure you include @pastorsgirl so I can track the tweet - or facebook about the giveaway

(each worth one entry)

The giveaway will end Tuesday, February 15th at 9:59pm CST and winner will be announced soon afterwards. Note: If the winner doesn't respond in forty eight hours after being announced, a new one will be picked.

Have fun and good luck!
