Carlotta Cisternas | Interior Stylist

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a fresh start

Lately, I've been craving simplicity, especially when it comes to my blog and so decided to give pastor's girl's ponderings a little makeover.
I got rid of unnecessary clutter on my sidebar thanks to some scrolling menu bars (Thank you to the lovely Amanda for helping me with them!). I also switched out my previous photo collage header with one simple photograph. Finally, I chose to do away with the font Century Gothic in favor of a simpler Times New Roman.
Personally, I'm loving the simpler, cleaner look. What do you think?

I said I was craving simplicity, especially blog wise. Because of this, I feel like on cloud nine's time is up. Who knows, I may bring it back sometime in the future, but right now it not longer feels right. To me, it seemed that all I posted was blog hops, and that wasn't the direction I wanted to go with my blog. I'll still continue with occasional photo challenges, but on cloud nine will be currently discontinued.

While I'm on this topic, I want to mention that I'm going to cut back on the “themed” posts (i.e., miscellaneous ramblings, confessions, outfit posts, etc). I'll still write those kinds of posts, but not quite as often.
Instead, I really would love to challenge my creativity and write more original posts in favor of adding a few new words, slapping on a “miscellaneous ramblings” title, and calling it a day. Y'all deserve more than that :)

I'm really excited about all these changes, and I hope you'll enjoy my (somewhat) new and improved blog!

vibrant flower {pw flower assignment}

(an older photograph, but still one of my favorites)


PS I'm guest posting over here today! Feel free to check it out :)