Today, it was Friday, my favorite day of the week (What's your favorite day?).
Today, I took pictures of a vintage floral tea cup - I rather like how this one turned out.
Today, I wore a pretty hair clip kindly sent to me by this shop.
Today, I ate cinnamon coffee cake for lunch. Oh yes I did.
Today, I cleaned off my desk. It was way overdue ;)
Today, I turned this pile of hearts cut out of newspaper into...
Today, I had a sandwich filled with butter, salami, cheese, and lettuce for a snack. I know, coffee cake for lunch and a sandwich for a snack...I'm a little mixed up ;)
Today, I did geometry homework. I could have lived without it.
Today, I watched it snow. And snow. And snow. Like we really needed more. ;)
Today, I created outfits on Polyvore.
Today, it was a good day.
What did you do today?