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photo challenge: green


Citrus are some of the most beautiful fruits     each half perfectly divided into sections, so colorful and juicy. Limes, along with lemons, are my favorite, especially in a cold fruity drink in the summer. Delicious. What's your favorite citrus?

The theme for the photo challenge this time is green...above are my entries (I couldn't limit myself to one ;)).

Want to join? Just write a post containing a photo of  something green that you've taken, then come back here and link up! Feel free to grab the above button as well     just make sure that you have some sort of link to me, allowing others to participate as well. One entry per person please     if you have several photos in your post, please specify which one you are entering.  The challenge will end one week from today, Saturday, May 28th, at 9:59pm CST, and the winner will be chosen shortly afterwards.

Have fun  – and don't forget to visit at least three other entries!
