Carlotta Cisternas | Interior Stylist

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wednesday musings.

Sometimes words gush out like a babbling creek swiftly running downstream -- other times it's more like gentle, slow moving cows in a pasture, just content with the way everything is. I'm more like the cows tonight, complacent and reflecting. Life is good, and all I'm happy just by soaking in these lazy summer days. 

fresh bread
watermelon limeade

We had friends over for dinner tonight -- talking, dancing, eating, drinking, laughing away the night. I've always loved entertaining; it's a chance to get out the pretty dishes, cook, and motivation to clean the house (Lord knows my room needed it). I made watermelon limeade -- if you have a fifteen pound watermelon in the refrigerator, it needs to be used -- and it's my new summer drink. It's so simple to throw together, and, served over ice with a slice of lime balanced on the rim, pretty and fancy. 

outfit: denim and ruffles
headscarf: thrifted // blouse: thrifted // shorts: cut by me -- jeans from old navy // belt: unknown // watch: american eagle
also, I promise I didn't cut my shorts unevenly...I was just standing weird ;)
Today I was all about staying cool (it got up to 115 degrees Farenheit of the hottest days so far. I'm going to remember this for when it's ten below zero this winter.). I couldn't fathom not having my hair up -- hence the (messy) bun and headscarf. Paired with a lightweight blouse and some cutoffs and you have yourself a winner. Also. My blouse, scored for ninety nine cents (oh yes), has ruffles. And polka dots. And little buttons. I think I'm going to pass out.

at the produce stand

 Produce stands conjure up images of red and white striped tents next to fields on the side of the road, sweet juicy peaches in crates, and a summer breeze. While nothing can surpass farmer's markets, these make me heart go pitter-patter. Especially when they have mister fans and peaches.


Can't days always be like this?


p.s. any book recommendations? I'm always looking for something good to read and I've about depleted my list. advice would be lovely!