I have a passion for the ordinary moments in life. The ones that are easily overlooked, taken for granted, dismissed as too "normal" but really hold so much beauty. Sometimes it's easy to see if something is beautiful or not -- a flaming sun slipping behind clouds, crooked, time worn streets of Europe, the quiet ebb and flow of a turquoise ocean. There's no denying that these are works of art, but there are times where the quiet, subtle moments hidden in an everyday routine outshine even the most glorious sunset.
We leads me to the reveal of a new project -- Everyday Moments, a collaboration between
Ellie and myself. Brought on by our mutual love of those fleeting, special times, once a month we're going to share our favorite images from the past month. No posing, no directing, just simple, sweet life. I'm not going to lie -- I'm excited about this project. As a photographer, I notice things, but I'm often too lazy to go get my camera and try to accurately capture what I'm seeing. This will give me incentive; a little push that's good for me. There are times when I'm more focused on the lighting and background, making me miss the moment. For this project? I'm focusing on the memories instead of the settings.
c a m e l r i d e
s a n d b o x c r e a t i o n s
s h e i s a m o n k e y a t h e a r t
w e l i k e t h e l i b r a r y
s u n s e t w a l k
j u m p
l i f e
h i k e i n t h e r a i n
a l i n a + l i l l y
e a r l y m o r n i n g c r a f t s
Photography is so much more than just capturing something beautiful -- it's about capturing life. It's about freezing a second in time that draws you back. Here's to everyday moments.
And tonight? I'm planning to see The Help (finally, finally) with my sister and mama tonight. What are your Friday night plans?
Have a wonderful weekend, friends.
p.s. last chance for sponsoring pastor's girl's ponderings in october! please
email me for rates if you're interested.