Carlotta Cisternas | Interior Stylist

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thursday stills

top: gift (urban outfitters) >> tank: target >> jeans: old navy >> moccasins: minnetonka >> necklace: forever 21 >> clutch: my mother's, from india >> bracelets: assorted
Yesterday was catching up on work, letter writing, picnic in the front yard, cleaning, organizing, and picture taking; above are just a few shots from my day. Reading that sentence again, it sounds rather picturesque and deliciously simple, but believe me, it was far from it. That's okay, though -- this space is to help me realize that everything isn't picturesque and simple.

But with that being said, I like the idea of living a simple life, and while a life can be portrayed as such online, the truth of the matter is that it just doesn't work out that way. There is always an element of the unexpected, of surprise each day and it's impossible to have a day go according to a simple schedule.

Then there is the matter of procrastination. I've observed that it's really just a form of forgetfulness. A willful type of forgetfulness, but the end result is the same thing. Everyone has those tasks -- the ones we'd rather not do but need to be done nonetheless. And it's when we tell ourselves that we'll do them later, we forget about it. And suddenly, the day is over in a blink of an eye and we still haven't completed that task is still sitting there, uncompleted. It's a vicious cycle.
While I've given up on trying to defeat procrastination once and for all -- we're human and therefore sinners, after all -- it's possible to put a crack the cycle. Though this may be common sense, when I complete a task immediately after I think of it, there is no chance to forget, and in the end, less stress and a simpler life. I confess to using the reward system with myself, because hey, it works.
Everyone struggles with procrastination, I think, but to simply say it can't be helped is not the solution. Heck, I'm just as bad as anyone else when it comes to putting things off -- I wish I could say that I practice what I preach, but I'm afraid to say it doesn't always work. However, by writing this, I'm hoping we can encourage and support one another and take baby steps to slowly improve our "condition".

And there are my deep philosophical thoughts for the day. Any other thoughts on this matter?

On a side note, do yourself a favor a listen to James Vincent McMorrow. If you follow me on twitter, you've seen my gushing lately, but his music is too stunning not to share. (favorites: if i had a boat, breaking hearts)

And now the birds are chirping, the sun is shining, and a quilt amidst fallen crackling leaves is calling my name. Happy Friday!