the future

I've always looked forward to being a "grown up", being able to do whatever I want to do and not having to be dictated by what a superior tells me. But now? Now that I'm so close to the age I longed to be all those years ago? I cower. I hide in the corner, I turn a blind eye, I pretend that it's too far in the future to worry about. But it's still there. Lurking. A source of excitement and something that scares me to death at the same time. It's part of growing up, I know, but that doesn't lessen the anxiety.

looking forward / winter
thanksgiving, christmas, and the breaks that accompany both
getting a christmas tree + christmas music
midnight candlelight christmas eve service
(I really love christmas, can you tell?)
fires + hot chocolate + hot apple cider + letter writing
the first snow
a trip with my dad to canada
(more on that soon)
starbucks dates
Winter isn't looking so bad after all. And when it comes to the not so great part of being this age...I know I can get through it with the help of Christ.
What are you looking forward to?
Happy Monday!