Carlotta Cisternas | Interior Stylist

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things to be happy about, v.ii

[sweater: target / dress: target / scarf: unknown / belt: thrifted / tights: forever21]
I got this crazy notion in my head to build a wooden backdrop for my photography out of an old pallet. Over the course of a few days, Jeremiah and I (but mainly J) pieced together exactly what I had in mind -- all without instructions or splinters. A brother that builds things for you...what's not to love?

On a side note, I don't have much of a green thumb, but my little succulent is thriving marvelously. I feel like a proud mama.

Continuing the things to be happy about list, here's installment two.

that sweet relieving feeling of being all done with exams // 77 degree weather and tomatoes from the garden in january (yes really) // the excitement of packing for a trip // that state of mourning you enter when you finish a good book // sweater tights // planning for summer // the knowledge that God has a plan // being productive // salted caramel hot chocolate at starbucks // brothers that help you with your crazy ideas 

What are some things you're happy about?

much love.