a little room tour.
So far this week, among other things, I've written letters, papers, and articles, done homework, gone to work, gardened, gone to the library, deep cleaned my room, sorted through my email, spent too much time on the internet, played scrabble, and managed to put together a little room tour.
But first, three things:
1. I'm looking forward to getting my new camera, especially because of its stellar video capabilities. No more grainy, dark point-and-shoot videos! Until then, just bear with me, please.
2. Apparently I talk with my hands a lot. Who knew? And no. My skin isn't really like that. Cameras just enjoy making me look like a pink alien.
3. Enjoy! And please don't hate me for my fast-talking, run on sentences, and general awkwardness.
Happy Wednesday!
But first, three things:
1. I'm looking forward to getting my new camera, especially because of its stellar video capabilities. No more grainy, dark point-and-shoot videos! Until then, just bear with me, please.
2. Apparently I talk with my hands a lot. Who knew? And no. My skin isn't really like that. Cameras just enjoy making me look like a pink alien.
3. Enjoy! And please don't hate me for my fast-talking, run on sentences, and general awkwardness.
music by the xx
And a few photos so you can get a general overview...
Happy Wednesday!