
It is important to be still. Life is busy and fast paced, but the act of sitting in tranquil quietness is one that should not be forgotten. Though the scene outside the window remains largely the same throughout the year, each time I sit by it, I look out at the view like it is my first time. It is where I replenish my sanity and drink in the calm. Settle in with a mug of coffee, steam swirling in wisps, and study the pattern of rain in the gray, pallid light. Feel the thunder rumble deep in your core. Rest your forehead against the windowpane and relish the cool feeling of glass on skin. Listen to the song of silence. Memorize what right here, right now feels like--because right now becomes last week, last month, last year all too quickly. Breathe deeply and be still, if only for a moment.
Where do you go to replenish your calm?