Carlotta Cisternas | Interior Stylist

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things to be happy about, v.6

shirt: target // skirt: thrifted // shoes: target // belt: forever 21 // necklace: forever 21

My brain is officially fried (so I apologize if nothing makes sense) and I'm exhausted, but my sophomore year is finally over and summer is here. The last few weeks have been a whirlwind. I wish I could have enjoyed them more, but it was just rush-rush-rush, work-work-work, try-to-get-everything-done-in-time. June is looking pretty busy too, but I'm looking forward to having a bit more time to--gasp-- relax.
And yes, I feel like a broken record, so I'll stop talking about summer now.

Things to be happy about...

warm summer nights || chocolate ice cream with brownies || carrots from my garden || spontaneous mid-morning adventures || ballet performances || simplifying and reorganizing || my beautiful mama || exciting summer plans || good hair days || dancing in the front yard || being done with school (obviously)

What's on your happy list?

Have a beautiful day, friends!