Carlotta Cisternas | Interior Stylist

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adventures in germany

The past twenty four hours have been cold air blowing from the vents and endless connections and just wanting a place to stretch out already! Also, people watching. I wanted to muster up the courage to talk to them and ask them where they are headed, or maybe just ask if they want to talk and truly listen to the words that spill from their lips. (for the record, I was too scared. next time maybe?)

Outside the glass, the sky was filled with pillow-y clouds, pierced through by planes making their course through the sky. No matter how many times I fly, knowing that you can get on a machine that flies through the sky, sit a few hours, and land in a completely different world fills me with an incredible wonder,

For the next two months, I'm in Germany visiting family. This is my twelfth time over here and I cannot tell you how wonderful it is to be back (it was also wonderful to eat something other than plane food. blech. there's only so much of that stuff you can take!). I'm so happy to be speaking German again and be surrounded by this wonderful world of family and memories. When I walked into my grandparents' house this afternoon, I breathed in the familiar smells and sights. In a world of changechangechange, I love the knowledge that this house will remain virtually the same no matter the year. Sure, there will be new things here and there, but it will still be my grandparents' house and there is nothing that will ever change that. And in addition to reliving memories, we have quite a few little trips planned here and there and I am so excited. I hope my time here in Europe will be the refresher and rejuvenation I've been needing.

Alright, I'm off to rest these sleep-deprived weary bones (this darn jetlag/time change thing is throwing me off)...catch ya later! I can't wait to share these next few weeks with you.