top: thrifted | shorts: cut offs, originally old navy | tights: target | shoes: target | belt: thrifted
We've been having the kind of weather that makes you happy to be alive. The mornings are crisp enough to warrant a sweatshirt and the afternoon melts into a sunshine-y haze of warmth and you want to spend every waking minute outside. Lately, I've been taking lots of walks around the neighborhood to take advantage of the weather (above photos taken on said walks) and it's making me miss Europe. I miss how walking and bicycling is the main transportation, unlike way-too-car-oriented-America. It's hard to walk or bike anyway here without people giving you pitying glances, like "Oh, she doesn't have a car! Or she must be having car trouble! So terrible!" Regardless, I've been making an effort to greet people that I pass when walking. It's not that I try to be arrogant, but sometimes I get lost in my own little world and avoid meeting the eye of the man working in his yard as I walk past to avoid awkwardness. Instead, I've been trying hard to wave a little and be the first to say a friendly hello. You'd be amazed at how much better it makes you feel when you acknowledge you're not the only person on the planet.
In honor of this, I say we start a revolution. Start walking or bicycling more, even if it's just around your neighborhood, to remind both yourself and others that a car is not the only way to get around. Be the first to say hi. Keep a smile on your face. Let's bring back the yesteryears.
walks around the neighborhood and walking in general | eating pickles straight from the jar with my brother while sitting on a bench (long story) | tights, especially polka dot ones, with shorts | an organized desk and organized notes | the fact that I have a future to plan for | curtains that catch on a breeze | dreaming in german | september in general What are some things you're happy about?