Carlotta Cisternas | Interior Stylist

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a taste of christmas

"Quick, more butter! More flour! Can you grab those cookie shapes for me? Is the oven preheated? This is the fourth time they've played this song. Are the cookies burning?! Stop eating all the dough! How did flour get in here? I'm going to get you an action figure for Christmas. Gosh, this is just like a taste of Christmas!"

We made Christmas cookies one cold and dreary Monday afternoon and if you were there, that up there is probably what you'd hear. We're a loud and crazy bunch, that's for sure.

And now it's December and Christmas is just three short days away. Truth be told, I like the days leading up to Christmas more than the big day itself. Even through hazy days spent working long hours, studying for tests, finishing up bits of homework before break, and searching for presents, it's just such a magical time. I still have a few gifts to hunt down (hi my name is procrastination) and a few more hours to spend at work, but man, I love Christmas.

Here's a Christmassy lists a la Hannah because I love lists almost as much as I love Christmas.

things I like about christmas:

christmas eve service (11pm! candlelight! singing!)
and wearing a new gold sequin skirt to said service
the chance of snow predicted for christmas day
a whole two weeks of freedom
reading the night before christmas
making cookies
and eating almost as much dough as cookies
driving around the town looking at lights with the windows down and a mug of hot chocolate in my hands
the excited flurry of the 23rd and 24th
the aftermath of present opening
watching elf (because it's the most quotable of all christmas movies ever) and home alone (because it's darn classic)
getting together with friends to sit in the living room and sing christmas carols
food food food
and did I mention food?
but most importantly: celebrating the birth of my savior.
also this video, because it's not christmas without it:

Merry Christmas!