Carlotta Cisternas | Interior Stylist

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indian warrior princesses

Have I ever mentioned how much I love (love love love) being a big sister?

Lilly got a teepee for her seventh birthday a few weeks ago and these two turkeys dressed up and played indian all day long.

And Mariam has taken to randomly giving me big hugs and telling me that I'm beautiful just when I need it.

Life lately has been a flurry of college searching and preparation, and while I'm excited to begin a new chapter of life, oh, it's going to be so hard being away from my family. Even though I'm a grouch about it sometimes, it's such a joy to watch the littles grow up.

And in watching them grow up, I am really, truly looking forward to the day when I have a little fam of my own. I'm only sixteen years old and that might be a strange thing to say, but I cannot wait to be a wife and mama.

Gosh, my family is the greatest blessing I could ever ask for.