Carlotta Cisternas | Interior Stylist

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emilyann paige | interview 02

I am so so excited to feature Emilyann on the blog today! She has one of the most beautiful voices I've ever had the pleasure of hearing (my favorites are Thimble and Riddles and Tea). But not only does she have a gorgeous voice, but she's so dang talented in everything else she does. Oh, and she has a stellar taste in books and music (John Green and Sylvia Plath, anyone?) 
Find her here: youtube + twitter + pinterest + instagram.

My name is Emilyann, but on my YouTube channel, I go by “Lark”. I'm an eighteen year old singer/songwriter. I have a serious Pinterest problem and I have seen Mean Girls too many times. I grew up on peanut butter and jellies and Matilda. Nice to meet you.
I like to think that I'm a bit of a bard. I am very inspired by literature and Greek mythology. I find it very difficult to write songs about my own personal experiences, so I end up writing the majority of my songs about fictional characters. Somehow, at the end of the songwriting process, I've communicated my own story as well as the story the song is about. That's the great thing about feeling and music and life in general. You're never the first person to feel what you're feeling. As Morrissey once said, “If I feel it, then others surely must. That’s the only thought that sustains me.”
I started my channel in October of 2012 as a way to share my music with as many people as I could reach. The name stems from a compliment I received at an open mic I did in Idaho. After I finished performing Thimble, the barista looked up and told me I had the voice of a song bird. It was a good day and I never wanted to forget it. It also comes from the song “Green Finch and Linnet Bird” from my favorite musical Sweeney Todd. If I cannot fly let me sing.

I am a vegetarian, so that keeps things interesting. Right now I'm really enjoying meatless chili and my mom's homemade bread. And of course Tazo's Passion tea before bed (in a pretty mug).

Right now, I'm working on a quilt for my bed at college. It's my new favorite blanket, and I have really enjoyed the process of making it.

I am a big John Green fan, (DFTBA, nerdfighters!) and I recently picked up Paper Towns. I love it so far. As for all time favorite books, I love Jane Eyre and The Bell Jar.

Big black boots are my “thing”. I also love plaid flannels and leggings.

I'm super into Josh Garrels. For obvious reasons, his song “Ulysses” has inspired me more than any other. I recently got his documentary box set about his trip to create an EP with Mason Jar Music on an island in Canada. I cannot wait to watch it. My favorite songs at the moment are “Stay” by Shakespear's Sister, and a cover of Fleetwood Mac's “Dreams” by Bastille and Gabrielle Alpin. Both are haunting and beautiful. I'm also really inspired by Stevie Nicks, Keaton Henson, The Cranberries, Vanessa Carlton, the Smiths, and Daughter.

wild card
I try to live my entire life as an art. As well as music, I love reading books and poetry, painting, photography, journaling, scrapbooking, and putting montages to music, and basically just creating things. The arts are important to me, I'm even writing my thesis on why the arts are important in the Church and Christian life.

see other interviews here