Carlotta Cisternas | Interior Stylist

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keaton webb | interview 04

Keaton is so cool, guys. He's such an inspiration to me in my faith and his passion for life is killer. So excited to have him on the blog today!
Find him here: blog + twitter + instagram + tumblr + facebook

Hey everyone! I'm Keaton Webb, titled by people I know as "the photographer" or "the hipster indie kid" or just "Keaton," the latter being my top choice. Fun fact: My parents almost named me Spider and my sister Charlotte. A little much right? Secretly I think Spider sounds like it'd be a pretty rad nickname but I have yet to ever been called that.

I'm a seventeen year old man with the soul of a hundred years. I wish I was a brilliant poet, but for now photography is the only thing I've been complimented on so I'm taking my talents in steps. I'm a lover of people. People are my thing. Their emotions tend to seep down through my skin and I just feel for them and I am constantly wanting to capture that greatness inside everyone.

You'll probably laugh but you know those little oranges called Cuties from those supermarket commercials? Well I'm crazy about them. I probably eat 10 a day, no lie. Other than that I've always been a fan of Olive Garden and their KILLER breadsticks and salad dressing. Next time you go, try dipping the bread in the dressing, it makes all the difference in the world.

Okay this will need a bit of explaining. I've always had an eye for art, even when others don't see it. And as I show others my room I've begun to see that in action. My room is all black and white. It is also a collection of repurposed items. (Huh?) I have a door as a desk, wine racks to hold my magazines, a ladder to reach my books, a fence as a header for my bed, and a toilet as a bedside table. Do not freak, these items have never been "used" before and were mostly bought from Ikea. So that's my room and all that comes along with it. I find so much more creativity in the everyday since having revamped my room and I'm constantly altering different things in it.

My favorite book/series that I've read so far is actually the Hunger Games. Don't shoot me, I know everyone is obsessed with it and all the little teenagers are going crazy and it's the some sort of new Twilight-ish craze. I swear I read it before any of that ever happened! A close friend had actually recommended them to me back in 2009 and I instantly was hooked. Sometimes I wish a fight to the death was necessary for survival, and then other times I'm just relieved that I live in the peace-making country that I do. The soundtrack for the film has some inspiring artists on it too, so if you haven't listened, go listen! At the moment I am currently reading the Great Gatsby, mostly because the movie looks amazing and I'm enjoying the soundtrack for it as well.

I used to not care at all what I wore, but some newer styles have really stuck out to me and I'm beginning to catch on. Urban Outfitters has some neat clothing, but some of it can be very loud and obnoxious. I also enjoy American Apparel and H&M.

Music for me is a very unique way of self-expression. I am not talented with musical instruments whatsoever, but I'm complimented on my taste in music and art in general quite frequently. At the moment my top playlist consists of Daughter, Woodkid, and Bon Iver. My favorite tunes vary a lot though. One day I'm in to The xx, Youth Lagoon, The Lumineers. Other days it's Best Coast, Vampire Weekend, Two Door Cinema Club, and a bit of Lana Del Rey. Music is so diverse and so customizable, and that's why I love it. There is literally something for every single soul on the planet.

wild card
My goal is to travel. You heard people is my thing? Well travel is my other thing. I envision myself in my 20s, living in a small studio apartment in Europe, with a dog and myself. Making good friends, photographing good people, and eating good food. ☼

see other interviews here