it's a good life.

It was like a grown up tree house. The bed was tucked in a corner that sported three windows looking out into nothing but trees, trees, trees. And I got to sleep in that cozy little bed and let the sun creep up and wake me up, slowly, quietly...
...just kidding. I was actually woken up by my sisters screaming at each other (I think they were arguing over who had to fold the blankets, but I'm not entirely sure; I was too bleary-eyed). Aren't family vacations just the best?!
But in all honesty, this week was absolutely wonderful. I don't even know where to start!
But in all honesty, this week was absolutely wonderful. I don't even know where to start!

In the mornings, I would trample through the spongy, pine-needle-covered floor of the woods river to journal and read my bible. One morning, I accidentally startled a deer. After she ran an appropriate distance away, we stared at each other for a full minute and it was all sorts of magical. But then, to retaliate the dreamy Bambi moment, there was a snake coiled up right outside our cabin--just to make sure I didn't get too comfortable with living in the forest, of course. Darn it.

When you step back from it all and stop over analyzing, it's a darn good life, it really is.