this is how it goes

Restlessness and mediocrity and blah-ness and inadequacy.
I don't really know who I am or what I'm doing right now. I feel like I've forgotten how to write, how to photograph, how to create.
Seventeen and confused and that's how it's supposed to be, right?
But also:
joy and wonder and love and so much happiness you could cry.
Or laugh.
Or both.
My biggest sister Alina was in town for a few weeks. I love her muchly. And I hate that she and Amanda live over four thousand miles away.
We went out for lunch the other day and there was a little bug at the bottom of her salad, bathed in vinegar. I guess that's the risk you take at farm-to-table restaurants? But she got her lunch for free, as is right, and she didn't mind too much because goodness knows this family is into discounts ;)
"Cherish this, cause when it don't last, you wish you did."
The Mowgli's are ringing true.