frequently asked questions
What kind of camera do you use?I shoot with a Nikon D90, a 35mm 1.8 lens, and sometimes an 18-55 as well.
Which editing program do you use for your photos?
I edit all my photographs using presets created myself in Lightroom 3.
Could you share how you edit your photos?
I appreciate your interest, but I'd prefer not to.
Who takes your outfit photos?
Most of the time, it's my brother Jeremiah. :)
Any advice for aspiring photographers?
Practice, practice, practice. Always. Don't be discouraged by your camera; maybe you only have a point and shoot, but it's still a camera. Make the best of it.
Do you hope to pursue photography as your occupation?
Right now, I honestly have no idea. Maybe, maybe not. We'll see!
Can you guest post on my blog?
Right now, I honestly have no idea. Maybe, maybe not. We'll see!
I appreciate your asking, but unfortunately there are only so many hours in a day and I have limit myself to what I can do.
Can you write a post promoting my blog/business/giveaway?
Sorry, but no; I try to keep my posts free of advertisement as well as things I'm not directly affiliated with.
Can I advertise on your blog?
Just like I try to keep my posts free of advertisement, I want to keep the rest of my blog free of it as well. I want this space to be a space of art, not ads.
Who designed your blog?
I designed my blog myself.
Will you design my blog?
I am in awe by the interest I receive, but unfortunately I don't do any design work for others at the moment.
Oh, heck to the no. My life is no more perfect than anyone else's--I have off days, bad days, no-good-terrible days too. I've written more about the subject here: I Have Bad Days Too.
How many siblings do you have?
Three younger ones that live at home (Jeremiah, Mariam/MeMe, and Lilly) and two older sisters (Alina and Amanda) that have lived in Germany their whole lives.
What's the story behind "Cisternas?"
Cisternas is my middle name; it's a family name from my relatives in Chile.
You sometimes mention your family in Germany. Could you elaborate on that?
Both my parents were born in Germany; my mother is a native German and my father had an American (technically Chilean) mother and German father. They spent most of their lives in Germany and it wasn't until my mother got transferred to Texas due to her job when she was pregnant with me that they moved to the States. The majority of my family are still in Germany, however, including my two older sisters from my father's first marriage and my grandparents, which explains the (almost) annual trips over there.
Do you speak fluent German?
Yep, I do.
Who are your favorite music artists?
My tastes are allll over the board. I like a little bit of everything! At the moment, I'm really loving The Black Keys, Macklemore, Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeros, Katzenjammer, Foster the People, The Civil Wars, Luke Bryan, Uncle Lucius, Lana Del Rey, James Vincent McMorrow, Jason Aldean, Mumford & Sons, and Jack Johnson. Like I said, it's a pretty varied selection ;)
How are you schooled?
I'm schooled through a combination of homeschooling, online classes, and community college (dual enrollment).
Can we be email/penpals?
I value my friendships very highly and invest myself deeply in them. I would love to exchange emails/letters with you, but unfortunately I simply don't have the time that would be needed to properly keep up a friendship. Thank you so much, though!
Why didn't you accept my friend request on facebook?
I generally reserve my facebook account for my close/"in real life" friends as I post things that are of a more personal nature on there. Feel free to follow me on twitter, though, or like my facebook page.
Where's your favorite place to shop?
Thrift stores! (Forever 21 and Target as well)
Do you have any book recommendations?
Right here.
What's your favorite bible verse?
Romans 8:38-39. "For I am convinced that neither life nor death, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord."
More questions? Feel free to email me or leave a comment.