The author and her father circa 1998
Lately I’ve been trying to write in the early evening, but I should know better. Come 5pm my brain isn't much more than a squishy paperweight, and therefore a hinderance rather than a help in the writing process. Like it or not, I inherited my dad’s early bird clarity. As far back as I can remember, he’s started his day somewhere in the ungodly hour of 5am. When we were little, getting up early was a necessity for him before we came romping into the kitchen demanding attention. Now he just has the most robust morning routine of anyone I know, with a level of consistency and self-discipline I can only admire. His two-plus hours of morning quiet are a large part of completing a masters, then a doctorate in a handful of years, translating countless books and articles, reading his Bible I don’t know how many times through, and maintaining a consistent diary practice for over forty years. That’s just the beginning—he even squeezes in a morning walk. As for me, it’s a good day if I can manage to get out of bed before seven, and I might not have quite the measure of self-discipline that my dad has, but he’s living proof of the life-changing magic of a morning routine. So back to morning writing it is—I’ve got a legacy to live up to.
(Nov. 11)