Carlotta Cisternas | Interior Stylist

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i am an office supply junkie

(image from Apartment Therapy )
You are about to find out another one of my crazy quirks...I'm obsessed with office supplies. This really isn't a new "obsession" far back as I can remember I've loved office supplies. I remember being excited when it was time to take a trip to Office Depot or even walking through the home office aisle at Walmart.
Things such as pretty paper, cool pens/pencils, colored permanent markers (such as Sharpies and BIC Mark-it, MAJOR love! I go so far as to even collect them. Oh, and the tips of the markers HAVE to be pointy. I can't stand the ones that are already so used they're rounded out. Yes, I me crazy...), binder
clips (Oh my. I go CRAZY with these...they have so many uses!), spiral bound notebooks...the list goes on and on. And on. And on some more.
Think I'm already crazy enough? Read on.
The problem with this addiction love of all things office related is that I never want to use any of the things. I don't want to mess up their prettiness (Yes, that's a word! I looked it up. :)). I have at least 2 notebooks that I've had for about 2+ years that I've never used because I love them so much. I can never find a use that is important enough to "mess" them up. Well, I never want to use any except binder clips because there isn't really much you can mess up. Just the other day I bought yet another notebook...I wonder if I'll actually use it or if I save it to maintain it's prettiness.
I told you this addiction love is bad...