Carlotta Cisternas | Interior Stylist

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ordinary beauty and giveaway winner

( giveaway winner announced below)

I'm calling this series of photographs "ordinary beauty". I briefly talked the series  here, but basically I took ordinary objects and tried to find the beauty hidden within them. I really think I will turn this into a project. There are so many objects that a beautiful at first glance - plants, food, even people. But it wasn't until I really looked closely at these ordinary objects that I found the pulchritude they have.

(If you're not sure what's being photographed in a shot, just over the photo with your mouse)

ordinary beauty: costume ring
ordinary beauty: costume ring2
ordinary beauty: thread
ordinary beauty: binder clip
ordinary beauty: binder clip2
ordinary beauty: leaf
ordinary beauty: shell
ordinary beauty: spool
ordinary beauty: spool2
ordinary beauty: a glass of sprite
ordinary beauty: sprite bubbles

"ordinary beauty" has forced me to be more creative, made me try harder to bring out the beauty I know is in these objects.

And now for the giveaway winner!

The winner is...


Congratulations, Sarah! Please shoot me an email with your mailing information and we'll get your necklace to you as soon as possible.

To everyone else who entered the giveaway, I hope you had as much fun as I did. And to my new readers, I'm so glad you here and hope you stick around :)


PS I updated my about me to take a look?